Onboarding more people onto the Arweave network is seen as crucial to the next stage of development for Arweave. To this day the world of cryptocurrencies and Web 3.0 has a steep learning curve with a number of barriers to entry for less technologically savvy customers. For this reason this podcast dives into the variety of ways Arweave and its protocols are planning and building for the next generation of Arweave users by making the user experience of Arweave as fast, streamlined, and compatible with other protocols as possible.
There are two groups of people who need to be onboarded to the Web 3.0 world: developers; and end-users.
To onboard developers a whole process of rewriting and improving the current documentation is being conducted to make it easier for developers to integrate into their own protocols.
To onboard end-users, an 'ArConnect 101' website is under construction to provide a mixture of text walkthrough and video based tutorials to assist those less-confident newer entrants.
As part of this process, the management of keys has been given some special thought since the issue of security is particularly important for those who may be intimidated by having complete autonomy over their money and assets. To assist in this area, the 'ArConnect 101' website will provide content which directly addresses the implications of moving from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, and the possibility of integrating multi-signature wallets is also being explored for enhanced security and peace of mind.
Web 2.0 users have become accustomed to a fast - often instantaneous - user experience, which Web 3.0 must seek to deliver where possible. Web 3.0 has struggled in this respect when it takes time for content to mine through to the network, which creates an inevitable delay and slower user experience. To address this, the Arweave gateways are optimistic. When a user submits a transaction to the network, the gateway caches that transaction and assumes it's going to succeed. So even if that transaction has not yet mined, the gateways are able to serve it so there is no wait for it to be accessible by others. This creates the desired instantaneous user experience for the end-user.
The bundler technology will allow Arweave to scale rapidly.
"way to create a web2 experience with a web3 technology - a form of caching where gateways can simply redirect to a bundler which has the data"
There will be no need to have consensus on the data itself, just consensus on where the data is stored. With just one single bundler the network can expect to complete 600,000 transactions per day, but once more bundlers are up and running the network can expect to scale to millions of transactions per second.
Aside from the technological advances which will allow greater scaling, there is also significant room for growth by offering support for payment in other cryptocurrencies. $SOL support is to be offered soon, with the potential for other cryptocurrencies being accepted thereafter, opening up the Arweave network to a whole host of other crypto-participants.
The current ArConnect wallet, which houses Arweave assets and permits interaction with dApps on the Arweave network will be improved.
First, support will be implemented for the bundler network so that transactions which are being authorized through ArConnect can automatically pass through the bundler network when applicable.
Second, a dynamic gateway switching functionality will be built so that the user can have the flexibility to choose the best gateway possible at any given time.

Why Arweave?
The participants emphasized that the Arweave network was incredibly simple for developers to build apps on, that the community was tightly-knit and fostered an environment of collaboration, and that it is an apolitical venture which should give comfort to anybody no matter on which side of the isle they sit.
If you'd like to find out more about the projects mentioned in today's episode: